Center for Usability &
Risk Engineering of Medical Devices


The Center for Usability and Risk Engineering for Medical Devices (CUREMeD) of the non-profit association CeMPEG e.V. has been initiated by the Chair of Medical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University in 2007. The main objectives of CUREMeD are:

  • Promoting the safety and usability of medical devices
  • Application and further development of methods regarding human risk management, usability engineering and work flow analysis with a focus on the Human-Machine-Interaction in the clinical use context
  • Education and training on related methods and techniques
CUREMeD provides corresponding information, support and services for developers, manufacturers and users of medical devices. Our work is based on the long-term expertise of our members and cooperating partner institutions in the field of medical engineering, ergonomic and human factors as well as industrial risk and quality management for medical devices and IT systems.

Latest News

This year the first batch of data from the pilot benchmark for reprocessing units for medical devices was statistically analysed. The work

In cooperation with the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sterilgutversorgung “(DGSV e.V.) and the Chair of Medical Engineering, initial investigations into a Germany-wide benchmark

Executive Board

Chairman:Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Radermacher

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Mertens

Managing Director:Dr.-Ing. Armin Janß
Register of Associations Aachen No:VR 4450


Dr.-Ing. Armin Janß
Phone:+49 (0)241 80-23867
Fax:+49 (0)241 80-22870